Upcoming Courses

 Upcoming Courses

The following Courses are scheduled as shown below:

Please contact the Coordinator of each course to book in


Introduction to AI

1 day - Thursday  1 August 2024

Room 1 - 1:00pm - 3:00 pm

Coordinator: Deborah Martin: - dmmartin2006@gmail.com.

Facebook Basics

2 days- Monday 12 & 19 August 2024

Room 1 - 10:00am - 1:00pm

Coordinator: Deborah Martin: - dmmartin2006@gmail.com.

Apple iPhones and iPads Course

3 days -Thursdays 8-22-29 August 2024

Room 2  - 10:00am  - 1:00 pm (with a break)

Coordinator Barbara Browne: - barbara.browne@bigpond.com

Android Communuity Group

1 day Thursday 15 August 2024

Room 1 -  10:00am - 12:30pm

Coordinator: Deborah Martin: - dmmartin2006@gmail.com.

Introduction to AI

1 day - Thursday  29 August 2024

Room 1 - 10:00am 12:30am

Coordinator: Deborah Martin: - dmmartin2006@gmail.com.



2 days Wednesday 28th August & 4 September 2024

Room 1  - 1:00pm 3:00pm

Coordinator: Deborah Martin: - dmmartin2006@gmail.com.

The following course is being held on one-on-one basis, i.e. one trainer to one student. 

Please contact the coordinater to express your interest.


Learn to setup and find your way around an Apple Computer.

Three (3) training sessions of up to two (2) hours duration usually once a week over three (3)  weeks.

Cost $35.00

-To be reviewed as more students participate in this course and an indication is gained on what is required. 

Coordinator Graham Prior.


For information on any other course please refer to the courses page.